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Bromadol Hcl Powder

$10.8 Per Gram Product Name: Bromadol Hcl Cas No: 70895-01-1 Formula: C22H28BrNO Appearance: White powder Purity: above 98.5%

Unit Price: $10.8

Bromadol (also known as BDPC) is a potent narcotic analgesic. It was developed in the 1970s. Initial studies estimated that it was around 10,000 times the strength of morphine in animal models. However, later studies using more modern techniques assigned a value of 504 times the potency of morphine for the more active trans-isomer. Product Name: Bromadol Hcl Cas No: 70895-01-1 Formula: C22H28BrNO Appearance: White powder Purity: above 98.5%

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