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Phentermine Powder

$1.44 Per Gram Product Name: Phentermine Cas No: 122-09-8 Formula: C10H15N Appearance: White powder Purity: above 98.5%

Unit Price: $1.44

Phentermine is similar to an amphetamine. It stimulates the central nervous system (nerves and brain), which increases your heart rate and blood pressure and decreases your appetite. Phentermine is used together with diet and exercise to treat obesity, especially in people with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. Phentermine is used for a short period of time to promote weight loss, if exercise and calorie reduction are not sufficient, and in addition to exercise and calorie reduction. Product Name: Phentermine Cas No: 122-09-8 Formula: C10H15N Appearance: White powder Purity: above 98.5%

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